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The Chamber could use your talents!!

The Moultrie-Colquitt County Chamber of Commerce is a unique organization existing for your benefit. Are you taking advantage of the many services we offer? If not, get involved! Join one of our committees and help to create high-quality programs. By sharing your knowledge and experience, you can help us grow professionally, and you can help your fellow Chamber members grow as well.

This could be your year! Here is your opportunity to be involved in the Chamber and actively address issues that improve your community. Review the following information and join one or more of our dynamic committees. Simply fill out the form and return to the Chamber, either by fax or by mail.

AGRICULTURAL & RURAL SERVICES – Allen McCorvey, Chairperson
A major event of the year is the VIP Farm Tour held at the Sunbelt Ag Expo in October. The purpose of this tour is to acquaint state legislators and officials with the realities of the farming industry and to highlight Colquitt County as an agricultural showplace. This committee hosts the Farm Safety Day for 5th graders in March. Our goal is to save lives and prevent injuries to children on our area farms. The committee is involved in bringing together agricultural industries and retail establishments during Farm-City Week. This committee also hosts the Farmer’s Appreciation Dinner.

AMBASSADORS – Judy Burnham, Chairperson
Serves as official greeters for the Chamber and business community at Ribbon Cuttings, Ground Breakings, Business After Hours, the Golf Tournament, the Annual Banquet, and other events. You will be responsible for contacting members to keep them informed of activities throughout the year and encouraging non-member businesses in the community to join the Chamber. An “Ambassador of the Month” is awarded.

TOURISM & MARKETING – Katie Jenkins, Chairperson
The mission of the Tourism & Marketing Committee is to capitalize on existing assets and research potential promotions to improve tourism and relocation infrastructure and to make Moultrie-Colquitt County an ever-increasing tourism destination. The committee’s goal is to increase commerce through additional bed tax revenues and retail sales due to growth in tourism and the relocation of families to Moultrie and Colquitt County.

Working with the local education system, colleges, employers, Chamber members, and the community, this committee assists with the career preparation needs of students and the workforce development needs of employers. The Workforce Development Committee has three goals: 1) Increase the quality and number of skilled labor available to Chamber members and other employers in the community, 2) Increase the likelihood that students graduate from high school with a marketable skill and/or are prepared to enter post-secondary education, and 3) Assure that quality and accessible professional development opportunities are available for Chamber members.


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